Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Life IS a musical!

We watched the re-run of the Madonna episode of Glee recently...  After we stopped laughing... the next day, Mason (who obviously was NOT allowed to watch that show) started singing to me out of the blue.  I picked up on it and began to sing my conversations with him and the other kids, explaining to them (in song of course) that some people lived in song instead of speaking.  I reasoned that I could show them movies to prove it.

Well, they laughed for a while (like 2 minutes) and then they got annoyed.  After about 30 minutes (probably less, but that sounds better for the story) Mason was so annoyed that he yelled at me, "Will you please stop singing!  I don't know how to think like that!"  And so came the conclusion of Les Kanerables.


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