Monday, June 15, 2009

The Talk

Well, this is the Summer that Merritt will get installment #2 of "the talk." We had installment #1 when he was in Kindergarten. That's the one when I say, "you know how birds are different than bees, and flowers are different than cars, and tin cans are different than computers? Well son, girls are also different than boys." And he says, "I know dad. Girls have virginias and boys have peepees."

Well, ages 8 & 9 are big transitional years in early childhood development, and it is when the information starts circulating around the playground. When I was 8 I got my first bit of information from the 10 year old girl down the street. SHOCK! HORROR! WONDER!

Well, the other day I thought I would see how much information Merritt had already gotten. We were driving and he asked about sin. Our conversation went on for a while and he asked me to list some things that are sins. I did and I just threw in there, "... and when people who aren't married have sex, and when people take things that aren't theirs, and..."

That's about when he said, "wait dad, what's sex?"

Just the response I was hoping for. I said, "have your friends talked to you about that?"


"Yes!" Aloud I said, "you know how mommy and I have taught you to keep your private parts private? That's because God made those parts for moms and dads to use when they get married in a very special way."

Merritt says, "how"

Dad says, "well, that might be a good conversation for us to have a little later this Summer. For now, just remember that you can always talk to me about this stuff. Hey, how bout some McDonalds?"


Scott July 16, 2009 at 10:57 AM  

Being able to be the first to talk to your kids about this is fantastic. Go Bruce!

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